same in a different way:

This is not the same thing that Einstein and official science rejected


The thesis is about the content solution that fills the single-existing
Cosmos by Newton’s law of state change, the relativity, and effect of
asymmetric trigonometry. Official science should only accept the
extending field structure of electromagnetic radiation with neutrinos
that I have discovered.
Einstein’s theory of relativity considered only the apparent motion of
objects. For this reason it is applied science, only. Without essence.
The process content of our Existence cannot be interpreted as the
identity of a set of objects/particles. If Newton, Planck and Einstein
were alive today, they would understand that now. Relativity must be
derived from completeness at every moment of time. The appearances
hides the significance of derivation of motion-system. We can know it,
even if we don’t feel it. Everyone forgets about local motion vectors.
Some people do not understand the essence of neutrino (extension) in
the relative system existence side. The matrix is the interpretation of a
directional set of absolute local interactions at the same time. Neither
Einstein did not recognize the absolute relative system that I myself
present to you. Which was Geoffrey Chew’s hunch. This is not the same
as the special relativity system. We are able to transcend Einstein’s
constructive theories. Einstein’s person is overrated in the history of
science. For this reason, the process of knowledge of physics stopped at
the level of one hundred years ago. „The army of flatterers defends the
prevailing idea” (Quote by Max Planck)


So far and no further in physics. Separation of
theoretical and applied Physics.

The search for a solution to our existence is a subject I have been
voluntarily concerned with my whole life. Since my early years, I have
been interested in astronomy and physics. The first thing that cursory
critics of my website do is praise my lexical knowledge. This, however, is
a mistaken approach. My use of quotations is focused on highlighting
overlooked theoretical errors. I ask for your patience in understanding
the connections between the various ideas.
The absolute relativity system is the essence of our onefold existence
system. This has a volume side of existence in all states and all points in
time. This is identified as the singular system of the objective material
world. Our understanding has hitherto been unable to grasp the
“material” state of the extensibility “beyond the material world”,
rejecting even its conceptual proposal.
On the onefold filling of the ‘is’ system side of absolute relative
existence, we wouldn’t even notice „matter” if it weren’t for the
network of local collisions interacting within the system. Is this
irresolvable? We have grossly neglected Newton’s First Law i.e. that a
state change cannot occur by itself. What makes any volume on the
system side perceptible? The scientists I contacted do not want to
understand that on the system side of existence the matrix stock already
interacting at the previous moment and the stock of local volumes
existing in the designation state are present simultaneously. I think all
this is so that the selfishly denied truth does not come out. The matrix
interaction does work as interaction of absolute liquid. Due to local
boundary states, it acts as a chain of liquid droplets. There is no solid
object content of our existence.
The onefold filling of the system side of existence is the same as the
quantum of the volume of the extension entering the system side of
existence, increasing its volume with a position in accordance with the
restraints of Newton’s First Law! In other words, the filling of identical
onefold existence volumes – regardless of their nature – cannot change
their state data. Thus the phenomenon of “matter” can be experienced
in the collision interaction of local volume quanta of identical filling.
They behave like absolute liquids. It is important to consciously apply
the conservation of matter principle and the state-change principle. As a
phenomenon with data (location, volume, local vector set) it is
understood as “is” on the existence system side. Comparing it to
anything “tangible” (with the adoption of a reference system) is
unnecessary for nature! This is merely something that our consciousness
insists on due to our lack of knowledge of limited interaction.
The hundreds of billions of neurons that represent our consciousness
also perceive the relative system side of existence through this
interaction. The set of our dividing cells represents the modulated
structure of our environment as an image of consciousness. Moment by
moment. In constant change. What isn’t the existence system side at
rest? What is the fundamental reason for this? It would be a grave
mistake to neglect the source of pre-existing trigonometric differences
in volume calculations of onefold local volume quanta. Irrational data
discrepancies. Through our consciousness, we are capable of perceiving
the image of a set of data crossing local boundary states! This is
something we knew nothing about to date. Whatever is sufficient in
applied mathematics is insufficient in the same absolute moment of the
system side of existence. The lack of super-symmetry is already
inherent. Added to this is the local interacting motion vector stock with
vector direction and motion speed data as a factor modulating the
structure. We experience very little of this. (Movement of the Earth in
the Solar system, the Sun’s movement in the galaxy, galaxy movement
in the meta-galaxy, and so on.) What of the complex finite motion
vector stock associated with each point in time? The stock that is a part,
content and operator of all of us. These force vectors exclude the
inferior content elements of the process, which we perceive as stars,
plants and atoms. This process also binds together the atoms that make
up molecules. That is why the „objects” that lost out in the process
structure – such as nuclei, stars, planets and globular clusters – have a
spherical shape. Ultimately, this is the source of the disc-like shape of
Please, take time to understand these minute details. It takes a great
deal of time and stress tolerance to find the solution we are looking for.
Our existence is the effect, the end result, for which I had to find the
right questions.

It became clear that there are no so-called physical constants in the
existence process system. The main proof of this lies in the constant
thermodynamic constraint. If anything, it is the only constant in the
system. Naturally, this doesn’t exclude the possibility of scientists and
technologists using empirical constants for resolving tasks of an applied

The applied misuse of some of our theoretical knowledge has become
apparent, which are small in scale, yet have a fatally large impact on
limiting understanding. These typically include, for example, Einstein’s
light speed limit, which is typically extended to all forms of movement.
The scope of Einstein’s system of relativity is the (in theory, nonexistent)
behaviour comparison system of the set of secondary objects
created by our consciousness. The chain of local collisions (interactions)
is broken in situations of local extension. The imaging ability of our mind
simply bypasses this. And thus it falsifies reality.

The source of all-encompassing evolution is the modulation caused by
cluster data expanding with extension local volumes. The volume and
structure of the set’s complex motion system, and consequently the
local motion value data increase continuously and without limit. This
has nothing to do with Einstein. Einstein’s speed of light is merely the
propagation velocity of local modulation in the visible set. We know that
electromagnetic waves travel at different speeds in different materials.
The aether, or outer space, is just another medium, the hidden
properties of which have not been previously identified. Yet that’s not
all. Not indeed.

All “permanent cosmos” theories must be interpreted by taking this into
account. The requirement of understanding: it takes place at all places
and times at the same point in time. The key to understanding: at my
point of observation, I am within the totality of the nearby and
unknown complex system of movement. Therefore I encompass the
entire stock of real motion vectors, vector direction and value data
changes at all times, in the same point in time. That is the point. This is
the content evolution of our existence.

1./ Relativity must be derived, interpreted and applied from the set of
completeness at all points in time.
2./ According to the priority stated in item no. 1, the importance of the
experienced movement realizes the internal value data of the set with
local absolute finite values. In this way, the designation of local
positions on the outer boundary of the set is also realized. The system
has no consciousness. This fact raises the importance of the true
paradox presented in my thesis to a priori level.
3./ The outer boundary of our set of existence consisting of a onefold
finite number of members can be extended to include additional set
entities (in the situations of the internal local finite boundaries of the
absolute system).
4./ At the given time (in the state of change), the mathematically
adequate value of the system side of existence = 1. Similarly, the reality
value of any entity in the system = 1. This is the value of extension
entities that enter the system even by local designation, which are
actualized for perception, the ignorant system, during local interaction.
After all – according to Newton’s First Law – no state data can be
overwritten without interaction.
5./ The differences in the volume size of local extension entities –
beyond the fundamentally different movement vector section value
data – would be unable to maintain a complex structure-less set
(existence) system due to trigonometric objective differences (irrational
data values). Applied mathematics has no say in this!

The true paradox

Any local boundary and extension position of the cosmos existing in a
state of absolute motion and onefold filling can be (is) at the centre of
the cosmos – even all of them at the same time. This is due to the fact
that absolute external boundary conditions are (can be) in the same
place. The error margin is „merely” +/-1 local extension volume
(neutrino) in all directions. The system does not aggregate local absolute
data in the form of a secondary set image! This only comes together in
our consciousness in the image-forming interaction of hundreds of
billions of our autonomous cells. For this reason, our consciousness can
summarize this as the „Universe”, arbitrarily seeing it as „object”
entities. Local extension boundary conditions are also the external short
boundary sections of the complete set from all directions and at all
points in time! The key to the solution is correctly considering the
relativity system derived from the prevailing finite totality of the
movement system! This replaces the apparent solution of the verified
constructive theory of Einstein’s set of local relative changes (which are
otherwise objective by the summarizing consciousness). (See, what did
Einstein write about constructive theory?) The bottom line is that there
is a difference in principle, concept and content between the content of
cause-and-effect relativity systems. Newton’s universal law of changes
of state also applies to any onefold filling of the system side of
existence. This includes both what is already included in it and what is
added to the system side of existence by designation of position
(extension as a local volume). We can also state, in accordance with our
current approach to quantum physics, that the set of the S-matrix of
existence is a single quantum quantity at all points in time (change in
state). This is because it is a single absolute correlative interaction
(bootstrap) system. This systematic process is the continuously changing
medium of particle physics. Modulating the content process to be
observed with any detection equipment (before or during the process)
would be tantamount to falsifying the content. Therefore all „results” of
the CERN equipment use are falsifications of reality.

What hinders the understanding of the contents of my thesis and
website is that we were not consciously aware of the conceptual system
I used. There are some who feel that I am over-explaining our relative
system of existence. Yet if I fail to do so, they will say that matter is not
created from nothing. Matter is a phenomenon of interaction, which
allows us to perceive it. Nature intends to resolve its own reference
system, yet due to local data asymmetries, it fails to do so. That is why it
repeats its own local processes in order to achieve its final state of rest.
Fortunately, it has no consciousness that would allow it to end this
Sisyphean task. Newton’s restraint of changes of state remains a binding
law even for motion vectors and when faced with the problem of
trigonometry. However, our physicists do not intend to fully understand.
Admitting their mistakes would result in a loss of authority. There is
tacit agreement between them on this subject. There is nothing
particularly wrong with using applied physics, but it is burdened with
theoretical errors. For example, the biggest fallacy is the limit of the
speed of light extended to all physical phenomena, the reference system
of our existence is „is”, system, side, „set” in the data content. I have to
say this because of our fixed picture of the set, in which we persistently
cling to an external boundary of a set of effects absorbed only by
consciousness. However, they are in the local positions of the absolute
system. So, E=mc^2 is a mistake of principle. For applied science, the use
of the formula E=1/2mv^2 is perfectly appropriate.

Personal: My book publishing in USA:
The Cosmos Itself The Aether
ISBN: 9781520375878

Self-taught theoretical physicist and astrophysicist. Studies: general
mechanical technician, general energetic, architect and economist
technician, armoured technician military officer, fire officer, other
studies. Workplaces: Szeged Teacher Training College, University of
Szeged, Construction Design Company.
Contact to me: e-mail:


The real cosmology according to the principles.
„Our knowledge of our reality stands partly on its head. But reality is
Nature answered in such a way, as I asked it. Which scientists don’t
want to take into account. The neutrino, as the extension its local
quantum volume. Its creation is not metamorphosis, but it is placed in a
definite bounded position from the extensibility side of the relative
system into the system side of Existence.

Existence relative system-side: ΣET = 1

This is possibility presentation of existence process content, what visible
Wiltshire, England 2000. year in a crop-circle. The two-dimensional
picture illustrates simultaneously the interpretive explanation of
extension and exclusion. There was no Big Bang. The viewer must think!
No one would understand the real picture of local content without
vectors of motion. It can only be described, but it is impossible to depict
it in a drawing. This is not Einstein’s curvature!

Exists only electromagnetic radiation. The essence this picturerepresentation
is not the space-expanse which dominates our
consciousness! For this reason, we are searching for further universes
outside the experienced universe. Is the difference understandable? Do
we understand each other? A big flaw in our theoretical physics is that it
misunderstands appearances. And my thesis is not a quote collection, but
processing critical content for misunderstandings, misunderstood, and
warnings to them. Those who do not understand this, so understand
nothing of the reality of the existent process. That’s why theoretical
physics and cosmology are in crisis. Our Existence is onefold full closed
and extending continuously at every World-Time moment. Scientists do
not understand every detail of the electromagnetic radiation. Our present
worldview must change to the real existence space-process worldview. In
this moment, in this state of knowledge we can extend knowledge of
forces in magnetic field to solution direction the propulsion solution of
Alien’s space crafts. We can of this. Only, now we’re wasting years for
prestige reasons.

I ask scientists: Indeed, do they not understand why experienced local,
always finite (absolute) dynamic data can and should be derived from the
current completeness? It follows the energy release experienced in
nuclear fission, molecule fission, etc. That’s why it’s important to combine
Newton and Einstein’s works in a fair mathematics. That’s why my job is
important when I warn you about it. Therefore, it is important not to
immerse ourselves in unnecessary details. One thing is the absolute
nature of single existence. Another thing is the scope of applied science in
disciplines. Scope of constructive sciences. Segregation should be taught
at secondary education level. It is a constant, extending process with
neutrinos, without Big Bang and creation in boundary and beginning state
at every moment of time. We know the answer to all the basic questions!
I don’t underestimate anyone, but no one thinks they know everything.
Only scientists have to accept the laws of Newton and Einstein at the
same time. Only must be forgotten the formula E=mc^2 from the
existence system solution! Because of the one constructive application
formula according to our consciousness’ limited interpretation range.

It became clear that there is no single “physical constant” even in the
process- system. It is the essence to the continuous change-compulsion!
The applied science usable those in own constructive calculations.
I had to explore and survey the topological properties of a single set of
existence in motion in awareness of all available theoretical truths. I
came across some misguided applications of our theoretical knowledge
that are small by dimension but fatally bigger by their effect of limiting

1./ Relativity must be deducted, interpreted and applied from the
current set of totality in each moment.
2./ By virtue of the priority stated in point 1, the relevance of
experienced motion realizes the set’s inner value data with local
absolute finite values. This also determines the local positions of the
set’s outer borders. The system has no conscience. This fact prioritizes
the significance of the true paradox claimed in my paper.
3./ From a single member of finite number, anything can be extended
over the outer border of our set of existence of basic entities (i.e., the
local set’s inner border) with further set entity members.
4./ In any given moment in time (state of change), the mathematically
adequate value of existence from the systemic side is=1. The reality
value of any entity within the system is also=1. Likewise, this is the value
of extension entities finding their way to the system by local designation
that become real for perception (unconscious system) upon local
interaction. This is because, by virtue of Newton’s law of change of
state, no date of state can be overwritten without interaction.
5./ The volumetric differences of local extension volume entities,
addition the differences value data of the local motion vectors with the
objective trigonometric date differences alone, well thus would be
unable to uphold one unstructured system of existence.

Approach of one thought in consistent system of inherence

Selected writings

From 1980’s year to today

I’m experiencing the biggest matter is not interpretation of our existence
but to write a recommendation for the reader in brief. That whirls in the
heads the „objective” collective knowledge: The set of dates and concepts
by idolized names, with world-concepts of myth, with mixture concepts to
the theoretical and applied sciences. Anything bypassed the attention of
scientists. The existing world is running without any reasoning of scientist
at all times. In accordance with Einstein’ relativity and Newton laws: It is
in an asymmetry beginning and border state at the same time moment. It
is fundamental the same by depiction with changing the word-order: It is
in an asymmetry bordering and beginning state. The permanent statedate
local changes those have been produced many kinds of local finite
set border effects. To have understand it without any mathematical
formula. Common success to the two base principles. Our visible
„universe” its relativity is only applied level in the world of our view of
object for the astronomers and not the theoretical physics. It is the chaos
in the heads and not the prior base-cause, the asymmetry local absolute
dates change continuously. The prior law in the existing system side by
Newton: State change is not happening from itself. The nature knows it
without by a scientist’ distortion of meaning. Immanuel Kant written of it:
„The attempt to think these objects will hereafter furnish an excellent test
of the new method of thought which we have adopted, and which is
based on the principle that we only cognize in things as prior that which
we ourselves place in them.” I am considering to scientists who are
sticking to theory of primeval explosion, the standard model, entities of
elementary particles, anti-matter, black-hole, dark-matter and so on, but
they would have been realized that this theory did not given a
breakthrough in reply to the base-questions. I am considering to
everybody and everything, I have taken the book’ preface out for it:
„Respect for the thinking man”. We shall be going in the direction of all

Obviously, that a new answer, a new logical system it been founded not
a defective system of concept.

The present theoretical physics’ only applied knowledge with unnecessary
details as interactions of objects, and particle-physics, and so on. Our
existence system is a process-physics by a bootstrap-system. The all
essence of theoretical physics describable onto a book-page. Every
theoretical physicist is afraid of it probably.

My opinion the follow.

I am sorry but I am going to be outspoken. Our scientists are afraid to
acknowledge the fact, the possibility of understanding our existence. The
revealing solution going into details described by me. Based on which I
can stress the problem that sticks to the lexical knowledge hiding in the
above two publications. At the beginning of my researching work the
statement of the small group of scientists was still actual namely that
those not publishing in a scientific journal are as if they were not existing.
But nowadays in the age of Internet the strictly interspersed journals have
already lost their exclusive significance. That is why now I can criticize
through my website.

I have sent an intermediary copy of my manuscript to a Hungarian
scientist to opine it. Who provided his answer. So far it is okay. Thanks for
it. Even for what he wrote to me. He started with what is most important
to understand the manuscript. That revealed the most about the
superficial thinking of our scientists and the swarm of sycophants who
evaluate them without thinking. He started like this:

„I started reading the manuscript based on which I admit you are
informed …”

And I am not quoting anybody to show off with my literacy. Everything
has its reason, and I explain it in every case. Why am I doing this? What is
there to think about? Where is the error? Where and how is the official
science dodge the essence? What they disregard? If I were not proceeding
like this, if I were using used the reference list formality, nobody would
read it. Why? They still say it since it is a proved objective information. For
which many people have already received a Nobel prize. Since I provide
the source of every quotation I can’t be charged with abuse. Yet the
superficial people do this. If I were not proceeding like this then how
should I inform the reader to what my critique refers?

For example, the theory of the Big Bang. The initial moment when due to
the huge gravitation the material „concentrated in one mathematical
point” suddenly explodes into the limitless space. It starts expanding
slightly then gets its Universal size. Does it make any sense without taking
into consideration the real relativity system, the constraint of Newton’s
change of condition?

Fritjof Capra, Kant quotations. And Einstein’s warning mentioned by me
several times about the limits hidden in the pseudo-description. That
warn of the lack of basic solutions, the fallacy of our approach. In some
grain-drawings in my manuscript there is the name of the photographer
Steve Alexander. Praise is due for photographing and publishing the
natural phenomenon, and not a sort of royalty. I also have not received
anything for solving the contents of the images.

In the Proof part of my manuscript, I am writing about the interacting
process-reorganizing phenomenon that takes place in the nuclear fission.
Above I mentioned the scientific pursuit to find an answer to why the new
parts of the split nucleus keep spinning. What else would happen in the
asymmetrical space-reorganizing process interaction? When leaving the
mother nucleus, it is the interacting structure of the external process
content that is defining. Not the brought feature, the content of data. It
plays a role but by subduing the forces of the containing external process.
Either it remains like the new particle, or it simply changes into radiation
as part the electromagnetic field. Space-symmetrical object survival’s
topological story. That is why we have to replace our object-oriented
worldview with a process-oriented worldview.

On our misconceptions

Theoretical physicians make strenuous efforts to understand our
existence. They are similar to the advocates of Big Bang Theory engaged
in a fierce struggle against those who ask questions about the topic. These
unsolicited semi-gods of science determining who is right or wrong set up
barriers against the very mention of any piece of the most fundamental
existing and verified knowledge. However, if we take all of our knowledge,
both taught and learnt, for what it is, we can hope to achieve our goal: an
objective understanding of our existence. I have made attempts to raise
these correlations at public forums, but some “enthusiastic” people
managed to have them cancelled. My attempts alone brought about deep
antipathy. Actually, how come this is a “verified and objective” position to
be defended vigorously when scholars forget about the most elementary
law of relativity and of being bound to changes of state? Scholars remain
silent, protected by vociferous flatterers who call every skeptic an idiot.

Creative people deserve full recognition in the fields of applied science as
they are immune to the aberrations of theoretical physics during its quest.

The controversial issue is cosmology, often viewed as reasoned discourse
about the cosmos (= the orderly world). This school is founded on
Aristotle’s all-embracing philosophical activity including dialectical
matters based on perception and matters of origin and priority surpassing
human intellect. Aristotle’s all-embracing philosophy was subsequently
placed in a framework under the name of Metaphysics.

Our mind is just as a prior in terms of givenness and ability as are all a
priori properties of the objects of existence. Just think of Immanuel Kant’s
idea (cf. the manuscript). In other words, we must believe that by our
intellect we are able to comprehend all verified priorities comprised of a
series of concepts made by the objects of nature and human intellect.

Do we have an answer to each ultimate question? Looks like we do. We
must take into consideration the consequences of Newton’s laws
applicable to all changes of state. We must understand the correlations of
the relative system (sides existing with and without data content). Beyond
Einstein’s interpretation of space, we must identify the fundamental
incongruence in the interactions of local changes and their effects that
alter the image of sets.

We can recognize that the concept of “space” is the local change data on
the side of the relative system of existence as summarized by conscience
whereas the concept of “time” is a by-word for the phenomenon of
change in single totality from time to time. The fact of permanent change
reminds us that the system can never reach a state of symmetric
tranquility. It is wise to accept this fact as another piece of verified
objective knowledge.

A scholar needs to understand that events in the local cause on the side of
the system of existence do not care about the secondary effect of changes
affecting the image of the set. Each local event includes whatever we
want to find in the sum total of the hundreds of billions of cells with an
autonomous life that make up human conscience.

Our system of existence has a permanent underlying process of coercion
based on objective laws that are equivalent. One is the system of
relativity. The other is being bound to changes of state. This is associated
with the law of conservation. The third is the effect of the trigonometric
differences in volumetric calculations on the exclusion of possible

As it has no conscience but only data content that can be quantitatively
evaluated, the underlying process is completely unaware of the side of
the system of existence with changes in the set structure as an effect. It is
the interaction between the hundreds of billions of neurons in the brain
and the body that is responsible for the apparent phenomenon of a set
(the Universe) in conscience.

In summary, the system includes theoretical physics, which is a unique
absolute system. Secondly, the extension of the set of effects has a
physics of reproductive content change which is random but systematic.
The underlying process has only one physical constant: a linearly changing
asymmetric extension with absolute local data. By contrast, our
conscience performs erroneous identification with unchanged data
values. The essence of the difference is considerable. This enables us to
use the physical constants we introduced only in the fields of applied

From these causes is unusable the E=mc^2 Otherwise the „c” is only
spreading phenomena of modulated local changes in the system side.

My present work is a critical paper for the theoretical physics

Aether exists as extending contents process by an interacting double
quantum S-matrix field bootstrap system. This existence is only extending
quantum explicitly in all time-moment according to present valid
quantum-physics. The first S-matrix field is its contacts of local
interactions, and the second S-matrix field is its positions set of local
volume quanta of the extension. Actually, the local quanta of the
extension those are the (! with a new sense of the concept !) neutrinos!
Or the Hubble-extension volume entities. Those are as inconceivable.
Because those are not interaction yet with anything at the same time
moments in the system side of existence. (Details in the paper.) As those
are local absolute quantum-volumes by all state quality as those are the
added local positions, motion-vector-set absolute values, homogeneous
pouring out without whatever structure inside. First, we are able not to
seize those because those are no in interaction with anything. In second
step of local changes those do step into interaction with the
electromagnetic S-matrix field as parts of it. Therefore, I had written this
book with my new recognitions, which solve it was Max Planck’s dream.

The scientists and the mathematics

There’s a message for me from a section of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences by one competent that my theory it is not acceptable without
any mathematical demonstration, depiction. That’s all right. See the facts!

Our existence is a single (ergo it is a formed boundary of finite topological
set) appearance in own state at same time moment. Describe: Existence
(E) it is equal to 1, with complex value the volume and motion dates in
every same time moment (T). This is an absolute system on base
Newton’s restriction of state-change and principle of relativity of the full

ΣET = 1

Everybody can be seen that it is extendable the volume and motion value
dates of the single existence set content. This is the extension with the
Hubble-date. Realization of it is a simple asymmetrical volume-changeprocess
according to a linear equation. Already every change effect is a
new state-picture for a new absolute time. For this the concept of time it
is the synonym the change.

ΣET2 = ET1 + E(ext)T2-T1 = 1

Calm the scientists who are applying for maths! It is necessary to separate
the local change in nature phenomenon from the scientist’s consciousness
is a summing-up of a representation of constraint-imagination! The
existence of system side local changes is a simple cause and effect of
linear change phenomena. Our consciousness sums up. Our brain builds
an exponentially extending virtual set with external boundary. There is no
point in thinking about any unified formula solution. Each local change
phenomenon itself contains the full information of the relative
summation in space and time. The nature does not summarize twofold
own single absolute local dates! Most important: In this case our science
is staying already on universe the applied science with all conceptformation
and mathematical system! Thus, it is not a theoretic physics
already in full! Okay? I am going more. In all applied connection there is a
random. Two examples. The mutation in the life and the fusion all
hydrogen for helium inside the stars. Attention: why is no full contents
fusion process in some moment in spite of unchanged temperature and
pressure? Why? My answer in the book. What is important yet as the two
base-principles: At all times at the same T time!

Our scientists are striving to describe all with usage of mathematics for
every physical phenomenon. They are striving to take all local interactions
and other unknown dates from the relative system. Example: those are
unknown the local extension volume entities with their dates. No possible
to do it in a continuous changing. At during the change T2-T1 (ΔT) there is
a break the local structure the local S-matrix which does local interactions
among the content entities and extension existing Hubble entities (in my
concept use as neutrinos) for a new effect position state.

No possible to do a sharp state picture from a changing content. It should
be senseless to change the intelligible local concepts for the statical
system of mathematics into the understanding the real theoretical
solution. It is possible to add up the dates of content only which we
stopped the physical process.

The existence phenomena are the set of the local effects which creates
the reality in network of our nervous system. The all-nerve cells at all
times in own positions. Those positions are as bases of a network of
interferometrical for the observation our life-space. The set of effect is
the world of constructive theories with the unlimited applied
mathematics already.


Man thought earlier that God created the Earth and skies. In the second
century AD, Claudius Ptolemy summarized the prevailing views at the
time about the geocentric, i.e., Earth-center world in his work Almagest.
These ideas have defined thinking for another 1,500 AD to come. At that
time, at around 1,500 AD, Nicolaus Copernicus reformed thinking and laid
the foundations of the heliocentric or Sun-centered model of the
universe, in which Earth lost its central role. With the invention of the
telescope, our horizons became wider. We have identified distant stars
similar to our Sun.

The 20th century brought another revolution in our views of the world. I
would call the beginnings of this a new renaissance, when Edwin Hubble
proved in 1924 that there exist galaxies outside of our own Milky Way.
Later, in 1929, he also discovered the redshift of the color spectrum of
distant galaxies in proportion to their distance from Earth. He identified
the extension process of the Cosmos. Eighty years had to pass until today
for us to prove that the Cosmos is still extending at a linearly increasing

Eighty years ago, scientists came to the obvious conclusion that the
matter that galaxies are made of probably used to be concentrated in a
central object as a result of infinite gravity. This central object then
exploded for some reason, and its matter is still perceptibly extending in
space. This big bang theory and the exploration of the interactions within
the extending matter today dominate the science of theoretical physics.
Numerous scientists received a Nobel-prize for explaining single details.
However, these details brought us no closer to understanding and solving
the underlying questions. Quite the opposite. For the scientists of our
times, there is not a single answer to any of the substantial questions of
existence, just like a hundred years ago.

Because the scientific community stubbornly insists on the principle that
matter is never created out of nothing. For lack of a better explanation,
they are left with the theory of divine creation, or alternatively,
wandering through the labyrinthine vastness of the big bang theory.
During my work, I have come to the alternative solution according to
which we have a way and opportunity to rethink the concept of the
universe that our mind has created by introducing a new basic principle.
The gist of this is that the Cosmos, the set of our existence, is at any given
moment in a beginning and boundary state of creation and is therefore
necessarily extending. This is why we witness the process of change,
because for certain reasons, a state of super-symmetry may not develop
in change.

During my analytical examination, I sought and found the fundamental
reasons why it happens the way it does. For our scientists, this special
state of existence that we consciously perceive seems impossible.

The basis of solving the questions of the Cosmos is the law of the principle
of relativity as a main rule, which is inescapable even when applied to
itself. In reference to what does it have a system side with a boundary?
People usually declare that nothing should actually exist. A nothing
system-side may only (not) exist, if everything outside of it is filled with a
single existence system-side. In itself, a nothing without changing
boundaries has no theoretical or practical reality.

Now briefly about the underlying reasons and their effect on the
possibility of declaring a new basic principle. I achieved a breakthrough,
when after a long and futile analysis of volume filling, I moved on to the
examination of the elements of movement also present in an existence
system. Especially after I realized that I am carrying in all my local internal
particles the total set of vector stream vector sections of local movement,
which exists in the space that I fill in the complex system of movement of
the single-filled Cosmos at any given time.

It is a fundamental error of observers to forget about this main rule. Their
investigative attention is engaged by following the local relative
movements between objects close to each other.
It was in that moment that I understood the significance of a fact laid
down in Newton’s first axiom in relation to drawing conclusions on
extension. Its essence is that no physical change of state may occur by

After that, I also examined the deepest circumstances of the local
occurrence of interactions. Then came the identification of the second
fundamental principle in relation to the system process content. We know
that the perception of matter as a phenomenon exists in our minds and
devices by a mutually interactive contact. We see and experience objects,
we work with them, even though they are merely single spatial
phenomena in the process that fills the universe. It is just as well, but
what fills the relative system-side of the Cosmos that is filled by the same
single quality, where created “matter” should not exist originally?

So, the examination of how the existence system-side is filled came up.
As we know the nature of electromagnetic radiation that conveys to us
the image of remote objects without losses, the phenomenon of the
“photon” itself became suspicious. Why is the data content carried not
scrambled? And what if there is “only” a simple, fast and all-pervasive
copying process behind it all that follows the changes and rewrites the
contents in each local site of the system?

Initially, it was obvious to me that “matter is not created of nothing”.
Naturally, I looked for a solution to this problem. Obviously, it cannot be
matter created by anyone. But what is the solution? There must be a

Everything became simple when I became aware of the imperative law of
nature regarding the solution of relative existence. In reference to what
does the volume of the “nothing should exist” state exist, and does it
need a relative system-side solution? I had to realize that our scientists
treat this objective set of criteria illogically as a taboo.

Obviously, I also thought long and hard about it. What sort of a filling
matter is one that is existence itself? Something that can only be one and
the same thing. I found it particularly disturbing that scientists basically
held the solution. It was in my childhood, about sixty years ago when I
read about the characteristics of volume filling in an absolute state. It
does not have an internal structure like the nucleus of an atom. There
does not exist any internal force in it. Neither adhesion, nor cohesion or
gravity. It does not have a relative interaction with the external world.

Where can we encounter such an absolute-state volume filling in the
content of the single existence? And anyhow, we should take into
consideration that Newton’s change-of-state law also applies to this
absolute state phenomenon. It may not come into existence by itself. It
may not choose its own local site of entry. It may not choose its own
geometric form and the characteristics of its state of motion. What does,
is the data of the already existing and interacting environment. It was
from taking these fundamental statements into consideration that I for
example finally got to declaring that “The dominant process modulates
the dominated process content excluded within it interactively, while it
affects the structure of the dominant process in return. They modulate
each other interactively.”

These are very important statements. It is because of these constraints
that the process has the ability to reproduce „objects” locally. It is this
that enables the reproduction of our life process. Interesting how farreaching
these examinations are, is not it? It is a condition of the
occurrence of an interactive collision that the colliding objects should not
be able to fill the single volume of space together at the same time in
absolute terms. How simple a condition. It is obvious that in regard of this
constraint, the interacting local volumes that have the same filling
(whatever it may be, even a “nothing” presence) act as incompressible
fluids when colliding. The simple single volume-filling nature of objects is
in itself the perfect solution for nature, which makes Newton’s
realizations immortal. Nature itself strives to achieve a state of rest, but it
must observe the laws of the change of state. It is the prevalence of these
laws that maintains the constant extensibility of the system, allowing for
the changes in the system of motion. There is no bloating against the
system within it. All the local data of the motion system are finite. It is due
to these characteristics that we experience what we do. I know and I have
made the experience that our scientists do not like dealing with system
analysis. When I wrote only briefly about the gist of things, they did not
like it. When I introduced my solution to the analysis of motion in detail, it
was also reason enough for them to put my materials aside. They said
that many details are already over-discussed basic knowledge.

Finally, I wish to say that all the contents of my book are my own
intellectual product – for example the “true paradox” related to the
possible situations of local boundary and beginning states in the existence
process system – with the exception of the cited quotations. I see online
that somebody citing my website as reference gave the
name “bootstrap paradox” to the paradox that I formulated. I am afraid,
the person is wrong, because I stated this paradox in relation to the
possible situations of the local boundary and beginning states of the
Aether process representing the one Cosmos. The gist of this as can be
deducted from the former is that it is at the sub-level of the process that
the highest motion vector section values can be found, and also the
greatest degrees of asymmetry possible, which in the higher dimensions,
such as in the proportion of our living space to the „Universe” result in a
balanced, consolidated condition at a thermodynamic level. How easy it is
to find a correlation to explain the origin of the huge energy released
upon the operation of a nuclear bomb, is it not? Particle physics also
research that range, the range of great energies.

Albert Einstein

The scholar, who everybody considers one which cannot be concerned.
He was mistaken also although, would have known not the answer to the
fundamental questions concerning the existence otherwise. I quote many
times from him, because some thoughts of his are notable really. But it
turns out that a deceptive appearance phenomenon got us thinking on
him. Concerned himself submitted the energy quantum was his prisoner
effect recognition for apotheosis. The quantum physics would the road of
the mistake, dared just so no onto a fundamental question, the smallest
natural substance paid attention to the solution of an entity solution with
a discovery character, the one that was hard for Max Planck. It proves
Max Planck human keeping that he remained in the background in his
whole life because of the unresolved. The flatterers’ army put Albert
Einstein on a pedestal slightly exaggeratedly opposite this. The soul did
not give for him that he should clear up his situation. Let us understand
anything by this statement. Somebody else the relativity laid the
foundations of theories before it, as Hendrik Antoon Lorencz. The
photoelectric effect phenomenon Philipp Lenard recognized it though.
The scientists did reject further research the characteristics of the ether
under Einstein’s influence. They did it badly. Because anybody could have
realized the solution that myself found out in the course of my own
research later, what I write down all detailly in this paper of mine. It
turned out with this in a tight context that the largest velocity is not the
speed of light in the cosmos. The relativity principle in the motion system
of the completeness existing in all time moments maybe and we can
examine it. All local extension volume-quantum have own motion-vectorstream
data contents at the moment of getting into the system. We are
able to catch it with our nervous system network. With big regard to Isaac
Newton’s law of severe change of state naturally. Because this basic rule
refers to the single existence system side it’s all existent formation. Must
be made yet mine well-founded criticism to reason for E=mc^2. I am

Isaac Newton

The biggest theoretical law for us: It cannot happen any state-change
from itself. Only by outside state-change of interaction. His prior principle
is equivalent to the principle of relativity!

Theory of the correlation system

The diversity and variegation of the pictures about the surrounding
Universe shot in a more and more expanded spectrum of electromagnetic
radiation by Hubble space telescope and other telescopes launched into
space replacing it, enchants astronomers and the fans fond of the sights
of the sky. Human mind cannot get enough of this beauty. Our intellect
seeks to see more and more and farther and farther of this wonderful
surrounding world. Human mind is just as enchanted by this miraculous
phenomenon of existence as it was in the Antiquity. Under the
circumstances of the Antiquity the then-living man was lucky because the
observation of the phenomena of the sky and their changes were not
restricted by air pollution. There were no factories vomiting smoke, there
was no lighting at night. But there were astronomers recording the
phenomena of the skyline as part of their job, and scientists seeking the
phenomena of nature and the causal correlations of events. Let us not get
corky by thinking we can disdain the knowledge of the Eastern and
Western scientists of the Antiquity compared to our official knowledge

The scientist of today still does not know what the reason is for the
existence of matter, what matter is and why continuous change is, just
like the scientist of Antiquity. The scientist of today does not know what
the reason is for life, what the creating and sustaining process of life is,
just like the scientist of Antiquity. Wise is the scientist who at least
remains silent about the truth that our unanswered fundamental
questions prove the fact that each piece of our knowledge about which
many-many people say we have proven objective cognition in one subject
or another, should be taken with a grain of salt. It would be desirable if all
those, who have something to do with education, research and the
spreading of knowledge, applied the simple, but clear principle about the
content and validity scope of theoretical and practical subjects separated
from each other, during his or her activity. This is put in words the
following way by Albert Einstein in his book titled ‘How I see the World’, in
Chapter Five (Science), in the document called ‘What is relativity theory?’:

‘In physics we can identify different theories. Most of them are
constructive theories. These aim to create images of more complex
phenomena from a relatively simple formalism… When they say they
succeeded in explaining one group of the phenomena of nature, they
always mean that they created a constructive theory that includes the
phenomena in question.’

Among leading theoretical thinkers (mainly thanks to the newly
discovered strange speed of the expansion of the Universe, with
continuously increasing value, and the speculation of the cyclic Universes
independent from one another’s effect as an idea of the range system for
the space of existence) such as Stephen W. Hawking, Paul J. Steinhardt,
the classic theory of ‘the Big Bang’ had been questioned a long time ago.
(Steinhardt developed the expanding Universe theory with Alain H. Guth.)
They are aware of the fundamental shortcomings of the theory I
mentioned above. Additionally, they are aware of the unanswered
relations and correlations of that fundamental problem area, concerning
the space limit of the opportunity of filling a volume of space needed for
one single unit of existence (entity), the parameters of the beginning and
threshold status, furthermore Infinity as an essential relative system
giving place (space not filled by a single entity) for all these changes.

Why am I writing about these and connect these subjects? Because I want
to make my standpoint clear about the fact that if we see, look at,
observe, group, classify and admire the astronomic phenomena of the
skyline as an astronomer, then we fit in Einstein’s separation
methodology for constructive theory content. But the astronomer (or
anyone else with good faith) should not refer to such theoretical details
which theoretical physicists working in international research laboratories
are still seeking the proper answers. I can mention the preparations in
progress at CERN.

Researchers and employees of research labs, university departments
looking for the answers to the fundamental theoretical questions do not
believe an easy and simple answer can be given to the essential questions
of existence highlighted by me above. They do not believe in it, especially
following those prequels telling who and for how long had been thinking
thoroughly about them without any success so far. We know and capable
of doing so many things in the fields of science and technology. We know
and apply so many things we could not carry out without an adequate
harmony between our deeds and the content of the single process of
existence. We know many details. How, under what circumstances
chemical elements with higher and higher atomic number are formed.
How stars born. Where the huge amount of energy hides inside the
atomic core. How we can create atomic power station and atomic bomb,
to handle the processes in accordance with our goals. The only thing
Nobody knew was: what is the origin of such a tremendous amount of
energy stored inside the nuclei? That stored energy is taken – according to
our theory at present – to the environment by the elementary particles
forming the nucleus when they are exploded at nuclear fission. If this
theory based on experience would be clear, there were no need for the
experiments planned at CERN. Because experience coming from the
particle accelerator experiments so far is not clear. A clear conclusion
cannot be derived from the local hit-disintegration events. It cannot be
decided whether some kind of process modulation chain reaction is
happening, or the movement of particles leaves a trace in the reaction
chamber that can be photographed. On top of this, they are going to look
for the elementary particle called Higgs-boson which in an interaction
gives the mass characterizing the matter and had given during the big
bang to the local interactions. In my opinion it is an absurd theory,
because during any kind of physical interaction the change caused by
modulation occurs, so there is no need for a third transmitter particle. Of
course, as things are at present, matter does not come from nothing. That
is why scientists are so keen on finding that ‘something’ that can play this
role. Once we live in a Material World…

But do we need to stick to this theory? Can’t we change this world born in
a big bang (later on in the distant regions of the galaxy several similar
bangs happened in a cyclic way escorted by similar phenomena) to
something else, something rational, that is appropriate for nature just the
same? I realized there is an alternative solution. Following each discovery,
it is a common habit to say: Why haven’t we thought of it earlier? That is
the situation at present, too. What is it about?

I cite from the book of Albert Einstein again.

„According to my belief all those definitions and statutory relations that
serve as the key for the understanding of the phenomena of nature, can
be found purely by mathematical constructions. Though practical
mathematical definitions can be approached empirically, but they cannot
be derived from experience. The only criterion for the applicability of the
mathematical construction in the case of physics is experience of course.
But the actual basic principle is hidden in mathematics. So from a certain
point of view, I deem possible that clear, unbiased thinking alone can
perceive reality as the elders had foreseen.”

We can be sure that man could not give an appropriate and final answer
to the question of existence so far, because for some reason always and
somewhere went past the door hiding the answer. There is a consensus
already that everything is related to everything in this world, subatomic
existence is an interactive system of energy field processes, instead of
being a cluster of separate particles. Just as well according to quantum
theory we are not talking about particle, but a wave-pack. The principle of
relativity connects each event, anything changes anywhere in the world.
Matter is a system of relations. What relates the single entities to the
Entirety, and what is the effect of that and its theoretical and practical
significance, is the following:

Here is this sentence in the Einstein citation: „Though practical
mathematical definitions can be approached empirically, but they cannot
be derived from experience.”
Well, I am going to prove the opposite,
furthermore, its proving significance, all that has been ignored by the
physicists of the world till now.

Another citation from the book of Albert Einstein, from his speech given
on the 60. birthday of Max Planck: „The major purpose of the physicist is
to do research on those general elementary laws, from which – using pure
deduction – one can create the world view. However, to these elementary
laws not a logical way but intuition based on experience leads”.

I am not entirely sure that the translation to Hungarian is accurate in the
case of these two sentences based on the book published under the title
MEIN WELTBILD in Amsterdam in 1934. Because – imagining myself in
Einstein’s shoes as he composes these sentences at his desk – I would
have noticed the antagonism between the content of the two sentences,
concerning the use of concepts. Namely according to ‘the way of pure
deduction’ mentioned in the fist sentence (you know what deduction
means: it is a conclusion from the general to the specific case) I would not
deny the demand of „logical” conclusion of the intuition based on
experience in the second sentence. All of us would, not only me. Since
Einstein was a human being himself, he could be wrong as well, he also
went past the door hiding understanding.

Let’s step on the logical way of empirical observation. Astronomers put a
lot of energy in discovering and mapping the part of the Universe
surrounding us that can be reached by our devices, the visual
phenomenon and the position of the objects of the galaxy. From this map
only one thing is missing that would raise the physicists interest the most:
the spatial data of the motion vector vector-flow stocks found in the
objects belonging to one given point in time. According to the
measurements repeated today there is a trouble with the big bang.

Instead of the decrease in the speed of the moving farther away of the
galaxies from one another, this value is increasing. With our devices we
see farther and farther into the depth of the Universe, and because of
Einstein’s threshold on the maximum speed of matter movement, we are
forced to reduce the Hubble data marking the speed of moving away. If
the speed of the moving away of the galaxies from one another is
constant on a linear scale, then the move-away speed data of the galaxies
detected in the distant space would have exceeded light speed many
times. Our experience biased by wrong theory indicate serious
antagonism: if we think of the entirety of existence that is unforeseeable
for us, then the Hubble data should decrease close to nil.

It is obvious that physics and cosmology is wrong. Especially with the idea
of cyclic Universes. It must be admitted that we do not have objective
knowledge covering everything. Or is there a solution we did not consider
so far? Yes, there is an alternative solution.

We experience in our environment that in all kinds of movement, in the
crash interaction occurring during movement, in the movement of planets
and their moons, in the movement of spacecrafts there is an order and
system. The order of these movements was described for us by Newton in
an everlasting way. We are mistaken to limit the unlimited validity scope
of Newton’s mechanics, because existence is built up of fundamental
entities, it is their growing set remaining on the system side, their system
of relations, their organic organism connected in a matrix field that meets
the criteria of quantum mechanics (as a constructive theory) and relativity
theory in a causal process. All we need to know is what this entity is. The
fact in itself that it has not yet been discovered till today cannot be a
reason for exclusion.

We are wrong if in existence we separate „matter” particles, objects that
seem separated by our sensory organs, from not visible space filling in the
single cosmos. The volume filling of the single existence system side of
cosmos is one and the same quality. It would be absurd to label one part
of its volume existing, and the other part non-existing by itself. According
to our objective knowledge a single entity volume phenomenon free of
status change cannot exist in nature, the limits of which could not be
expanded. This phenomenon could not possibly be idle. Let’s not forget
that the matter of a comparison system is inevitable even for existence,
so compared to what it does exist and compared to what it does not.

It is not appropriate to claim that nothing should exist. The matter of
comparison is not insignificant for nature either. It is only a fake sensation
induced by our sensory organs in our mind that there is only emptiness in
the cosmos other than the volume occupied by visible matter. According
to braver people the space among objects is filled by electromagnetic
radiation. Even braver people dare to say that the two kinds of filling are
the same form of radiation, but at one spot there is a condensation in this
process, at another spot the construction of the process is open. Even
Hawking asks himself the theoretical question in his famous book titled „A
Brief History of Time”: „Can it be that only radiation exists?” People even
braver than these deemed to know the key for the solution, as Geoffrey
Chew, who developed his „bootstrap” theory in the middle of the 20th
century (!). It starts from the idea that nature cannot be deduced to
fundamental entities: for example, to particles and fields. Nature should
rather be understood by its correlations, because each of its elements
correlates with all the other elements and itself. Cooperating with some
physicists in this sense he worded the specific model of particles in the
framework of the S-matrix theory.

Geoffrey Chew

The nature approach coming from quantum theory, shows its best form in
bootstrap philosophy in the center of which is the recognition that each
part of the world interacts with all the other parts. The dynamic feature of
this view follows from the relativity theory. If Chew and his colleagues had
recognized that essential thing that connects the system according to
experience in the complexity of the mathematical and physical content,
they would have reached their goal. Instead of this they got caught in a
trap set by themselves. Because bootstrap theory denies the existence of
the elementary ingredients of „matter”, is not willing to accept any kind of
fundamental entity, let it be a law, an equation or a principle. With this he
puts that idea to an end which was an important part of natural science
for centuries. Quantum mechanics rejected Newton’s mechanics,
bootstrap theory rejects both. The point of their mistake is that they
should have reconcile these theories.

The link connecting everything

Naturally, as anyone else, I spent a tremendous amount of time on
seeking the answer that can be given to this question. Finally, I succeeded
in finding the thing that made the air turn frozen around me. I will get
what I deserve for turning against Einstein, the idol. How dare I to state
that restricting the speed of movement (the speed of a matter in motion
cannot exceed the speed of light)? Furthermore, that light quantum has
taken quantum physics off the road. That is okay that it is an „energypack”,
but basically it was not suitable for Max Planck either, did not fit in
his solution of hypothetical particle quantum entity. As we know, he had
doubts about it until the end of his life. He probably felt Newton’s
mechanics may still have a role in the description of the carrier of the
energy quantum. It is certain that for the durable modulated change of
the basic state of a thing (to kick out one electron from the surface of a
metal sheet) a given energy quantum is necessary. The uncertainty of this
situation is well-presented by the work of scientists (Heisenberg, Bohr,
Schrödinger) doing further research in this field. Meaning that quantum
physics put into orbit by Einstein has expanded to a special constructive

Our existence is one single system. I thought about it: everything is in
motion. I stand upon the surface of the Earth, the Earth orbits the Sun,
the Solar System is at the known location of our Galaxy, our Galaxy moves
along with its nearby neighbor galaxies as part of a Metagalaxy towards
the system called the Great Mover and so on. At my determined site I am
in the state belonging to the observed point of time as part of the larger
and larger systems up to the Entirety that cannot be understood by us. It
means: my body contains the motion vector stock that is contained by the
entire system at that time. This fact also means that it is not necessary to
scan the remote distances of space with a telescope, not needed to wait
at the window of the reaction chamber of the accelerator, only to use
common sense on the path of logical deduction.

Newton’s law states:

Every object keeps its linear and even movement till an outer effect forces
it to change its status of motion. It is the Law of Inertia. So, the direction
and value of motion vector stock stored in me is an absolute value, a finite
value so as a conclusion I am a data carrier of an absolute system. If I
could draw the 3-dimensional picture of the motion vector flow figures of
my body in any chosen range, a strange picture would appear in front of
my eyes. In certain local range units only an one-piece motion direction
(and its value) could be seen, while in other local positions a multimodulated
direction changing process would appear. In other words: at
those locations where the direction of the vector sections is spreading
apart, something special is happening what is worth examining in more
detail. Where the direction of the vector sections is gathering, pointing in
one direction, there is surely a specific local collision.

When I look at it from a bit further, it looks as if I saw the interacting
construction of the local process. But it is that, the S-matrix field! What
can be the explanation for the local spots containing one single section?
There is only one logical conclusion: at these spots – since there is no
filling material movement into these locations, cosmos at these spots is
forced to expand its existing volume. As I mentioned above, on the
„existence” system side nature does not make a difference like one part
of a content can exist as „matter” but the rest cannot, there can be
nothing. In the relativity system of nature, the filling up of the „existence”
system side is the same single entity being completed continuously. In the
local collision interaction occurring later in the process the consequence is
the same as if it had been there from the beginning of time. We
considered among these as ‘matter’ only those which showed up in the
receptors of our sensory organs and devices. In the comparison system of
nature, the other side of the system that is not positioned in the existence
side is the inexhaustible source of expandability. Mathematicians can
imagine the inexhaustibleness of this side of the system. All they need to
do is to think about the expandability of the outer margin of a filled
volume. So, these alternating local events are repeated in the entirety
change process, in this constantly repeated local starting and threshold
state. The cosmos was not created by someone at some time, this is a
permanent phenomenon. The Law of Constant Matter is in effect, the
system gains and expands. In some areas as a result of the energy surplus
of the outer processes some contents are beaten and excluded, such as
the proton, the nuclei of the chemical elements, the molecules, the stars,
the planets, the galaxies and so on. The system is complete. That is why
galaxies are moving apart from one another, not because of the big bang.
That is why we see newly developing areas besides elder formations
variously in the cosmos. The „matter stock” of the system is growing, so in
this sense we can talk about a constant cosmos. Where we „see”
emptiness (of course we might find dwarf galaxies, hydrogen gas clouds
here as well) this process is in progress even there, with an outcome of
building given by the feature of the construction. The question arises why
all this happens, why this specific process is not free of interaction

And now we turn to mathematics for proof. Actually, I am forced to go
against the convention of mathematicians. In nature there is no
congruent volume, chance for symmetric local repetition (identical
reproduction). It cannot exist, because – this is the mathematical proof –
for nature the identity up to five or umpteen decimal fraction is not a
solution. Complete uniformity would be necessary to have the chance of
an idle state circumstance. Mathematics is negligent in this matter. This
situation – coupled with varying motion vector contents – sustains
continuous asymmetry, our circumstance of existence.

As a closure I note – getting back to the error of bootstrap theory –
matter particle entity does exist in the position of local extension quanta.

These are the neutrinos. Without this there would not be electromagnetic
radiation with constant traits, with a speed of the spreading of
modulation considered to be a physical constant. Because not „photons”
flow through space, but the entire system is in a specific process
bootstrap state with changing content. That is why the long-term
accuracy of the atomic clock possible. The space of the „Universe” does
not empty with extension. This concept introduces and uses a „spooky”
number of other concepts in its expanded meaning as well, exceeding the
needs of applied sciences. It is a conscious state that the partial result of
each effort so far is a „brick” in the building of complete exploration.
Whereas as it turns out to the ultimate question „What is existence?” We
basically supposed to get a one sentence answer. The recognition comes
from the solution that our mind has a major role in dividing the one visible
process of existence into comprising elements according to the demands.
The scientist had fallen into the trap of doing the inventory and
classification based on concept about the elements of the pseudo
phenomenon. For instance, into the trap that „time” as a concept is in
reality the synonym „change”. The time for the local change is different
for the extension quantum volume (neutrino) entering the system than
that of the entire extending set of existence. The concept of „space” is the
summary of the local finite starting and threshold events put into a set by
our minds.

Geoffrey Chew writes the following about the role of the human mind in
the process of understanding:

„If we think the bootstrap theory over logically (the S matrix theory was
originally developed specifically for the description of strong interaction)
then we find that the existence of mind – with all the other aspects of
nature – is necessary for the entirety and the mutual harmony of the

S matrix theory also becomes complete: Aether exists as a double
interactive matrix bootstrap process, in which one of the S matrix fields is
the network of the local collision interactions, while the second formation
of matrix is the set of positions of the quantum of the local extension (the
neutrinos), int he same point of time chosen by our mind (with a synonym
concept: in the state of change).

Eternal problem of the thinking man

Where is the border of Existence and what is outside it?

Problem of the scientists are almost same in the theory of the primeval
explosion: „We have only Universe set and what is over it?” Are those
„cyclic Universes”? According to the new favored theory. We are not
nearer to.

Origin moment to the „primeval explosion” is still important the single
and full filling, but later some moments the scientist does separate a
something from something for in the single content: This way of thinking
does dominate in the physics: the matter separates, would been isolated
in the single filling system side. We have needed a new solution for the
existence on base our experiences. Already the mine new theory for the
Cosmos it would been formed around in 1985-86. On base of it I did a
document at this time from a possible Cosmos object, which is visible on
the drawing without every change(!) according to an analogy as stars,
galaxies, which would been photographed lather by Rosat satellite of
NASA and Western scientists at 1990 year. I sent the document at 1988
year to the NASA Goddard Institute, Greenbelt.

I am using the data of the Scientific American to detect the error.

According to a chronological drawing of the primeval explosion we can
conclude that in the 10-35 second the volume corresponding to the
observable universe today is only as a honeydew melon. Let us accept
that all matter of the existence experienced these days (40 years ago we
possessed only half of these data) is comprised in this volume. What data
are these? Those of the single (a constant set) existence. The essence of
this theory is the interaction the matter and the energy of unknown
origin. The theory also includes possibility for the expansion as 3D space
possibility without interaction supposing a universe similar to ours which
is adjoining but not interacting, showing similar characteristics concerning
the cyclic behavior of our own universe. It is clear that it is impossible to
answer the question of eternal boundary of sets as significant as the
solution for „matter”. If we can answer one of them, we will have the
answers for both problems. Let us observe rationally what is it that we
have been observing and what data have we been using?

We provide priority to matter by assigning it a space which simply exists,
and which does not interact with it but provides possibility for matter to
move. Why do it when we need a simple, alternative solution? Why
should „matter” have a different type of volume filler than „space”? Why
could not these two qualities be the same? This interaction result in the
existence of a much more rational energy field if we handle something in
its proper position, with its proper data, in an equivalent cause and effect
system. And this is the system of motion states at a specific moment of
time. Think about the system of the single existence being observed at a
specific moment of time. Newton’s laws of motion are of fundamental
importance. An object tends to stay in motion in a straight line at constant
speed unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced force. The same is
true for content. Everyone just passes by this point superficially although
we should observe the state of the single existence.

What follows? It is now well founded that at a given moment of time the
expansion of the Cosmos „set” is surely a finite „volume”. (Concepts are
used temporarily) This volume is that of a honeydew melon. The most
important factor is the finite quantity. We, the observers are inside the
set of existence. The question is: Is our sense of movement real or is it just
an adjustment to the effect sham phenomenon relative system? As our
existence is a single phenomenon, we should not think that there is
something else in it rather than simple filling. For this reason, we are
given the opportunity to get access to the right interpretation of the full
motion system of the single Cosmos. We can stay anywhere inside the
melon (Cosmos) and if we examine the existing stock of motion vectors
(such as: vector rivers segments, values to speed) we will get the
surprising result that the local values of the quantum volumes of the
single existence are finite boundary values which they themselves cannot
exceed. They separate the volume quanta on a cause basis and make
these volumes finite by collision. As people do not bump into each other
due to the difference in their motion vectors the same is true for the local
melon states. These are adjoining quantum volumes collide and, in this
interaction, (series of interactions) reveal themselves in matter (energy)
form and are indicated by our instruments.

Some may say that I am writing nonsense here because yet, I have not
given any explanation concerning existence, the origin of matter. I am
giving it now. Those who claim there would be nothing without creation,
forget about the compulsion of solution to the question of rest which is an
enigma even for existence. This compulsion is independent from our

We are so smart. What is the compulsion of the relative system? What is
the so called „something” compared to which nothing can exist? Would it
be a one-sided solution? Where is our common sense? On the single
existence side there is the presence that can be justified. Local position
inside the melon, local vector set furthermore there is the sham equality
of onefold filling. This filling is responsible for the fact that there is no
difference of density in the content of existence at the same moment of

Some may say that I am telling nonsense again as this difference of
density does exist according to our experience. Well, do you know what
that is? That is changing of the content in the process and time. The
application of Newton’s laws of motion and Euclidean geometry justify

My impatient opponent is continuously interrupting me and would like to
skip over apparently unimportant details. We are not talking about
Einstein’s relative system of specific set of effect. The basic cause is yet
unrevealed. This impatience is the fundamental cause for not having
found a solution yet. We are stuck to the idea: „Matter will not be created
from nothing.” Some think that this idea is the solution of the stupid. No,
it is not. This is the solution because besides the side of the „existence
system”, the „not-existence”-side is an exhaustible, infinite side for the
relative system of the single existence.

Where can we find it?

I have mentioned above that there are adjoining quantum volumes which
collide during an interaction and make each other split inducing
topological consequences, since they have motion stock contents that are
interacting. In the single existence there are adjoining quantum volumes
which move away from each other due to an effect of an interaction that
has made them split. All gaps induced by splitting cannot be filled by the
given stock if there is no appropriate motion stock to fill in the gap. I
wonder if you know how huge gap volume is induced in our cosmic space
dimension of volume of 1 Mpc^3 per second? This volume can be
calculated if the original Hubble constant (the average of his first
measurements) is taken into consideration (⁓400 km/sec/Mpc) from the
relative side which has no absolute data a single presence system set. The
reason why there is a constant boundary and initial local cause-and-effect
repetition is that there is not a single point where there is symmetry, and
it is also impossible to achieve it. Think about the difference between the
various stock of motion vectors and the value data of Euclidean geometry.
This state is the content of the current melon which closes into itself. This
is the reason why a secondary external boundary cannot exist. The
volume of our melon is just growing as a specific set of continuous
boundary and initial conditions within the local borders of the melon rind.
The amount of extension in our space calculated with an approximate
polarized corrected factor by me is

Vext= 1,6×10^42km^3/s/Mpc^3 in dimension. (Data for calculation: V=a^3
a1=1Mpc a2=1Mpc+400km/s)

Our cosmos was not created by someone at some point in time, but the
Cosmos is in the asymmetric border and beginning state of creation at
every moment of time with a consequence causing growth.

I think everyone considers it obvious (at least it has become a habit) that
in the system, in the calculations time is the fourth dimension. Sometimes
I mention it at other parts of my paper that my opponent might regard
me as an ignorant person. Here and now, I have the opportunity once
more to state: there is nothing like a regular flow of time called the
system time. That is just only our conscious perceiving the summing-up of
the changes. It is going to be clear immediately: in the course of
topological examination of the local place, the current system volume –
which is under indication does not have a relative time of change without
a collision interaction with a quantum. It is only us who associate it with
the help of our conscious which is capable of analysis. Time as the fourth
dimension is the summarized philosophical notion of the local volume and
the interacting change of condition. The notion of „time” is the synonym
for the notion of „change”. This is the reason why there is nothing like
system time. There is a constant change going on. The cosmos was not
created by someone at some point of time. There was not a Big Bang 14
billion years ago. There are not any cyclic universes, but creation itself is
in the asymmetric, self-realizing barrier condition of the prevailing
repeating local beginnings with all its increasing results based on the
principle of conservation.

What is the classical theory of „time” about? Material squeezes at one
point due to the effect of the infinitely huge gravity in which time slows
down to an extreme extent. (This is what we might think as there has not
been any change.) It is no use talking about „before”. What is more, the
critical shortcoming of the Big Bang theory is the position and state of a
specific „point” in outer space as a relative occurrence explanation of the
singular existence system side phenomenon. On the basis of Einstein’s
formula E= mc^2, all the material squeezed in one mathematical point
volume of the „universe” should have been moving at the speed of light
to one specific resultant direction without an interaction with the
surroundings, otherwise it would not have had a mass. If it had not been
moving, where would the notions of the experienced movement, mass
and energy originate from? All the existing particles in our universe
created by the Big Bang should still be in possession of this component,
i.e., the movement vector of speed of light without interacting with other
universes which have the same cyclic characteristics. I wonder if anyone
does feel what nonsense the theory of the Big Bang is. Does anyone feel
that the characteristics concerning the content and value of the speed of
light have not been answered yet? Is this resultant movement data that
remained from the previous cyclic „crack”?

The content of the system, expansion, extension is excluded in a
prevailing process. This process leaves objects behind which are isolated
from each other and also from the system by astrophysicists on the basis
of appearance and statistic data. Atomic energy is not stored in the
nucleus, but the unifying re- arrangement of the external system process
takes place where the content opens up during fission. Our existence
changes in this single process. This process enables us to see distant
objects without interruption as a result of the so-called electromagnetic
radiation, which is a modulating interaction. Finally, Planck was right.
Although he was the only one to believe it, but he was right: he doubted
that photons would be isolated from each other. Hawking also notes:
„Maybe there is only radiation?” (A Brief History of Time). It is time we
generally applied Geoffrey Chew’s hadron- bootstrap theory which is
more valuable than Einstein’s whole work. This specific extension of
existence content requires the concept of aether (which was refused by
Einstein and his followers).

As experience shows the position and the meaning of a large number of
concepts are still doubted. Our knowledge concerning the system is
inaccurate regarding some significant facts. We should talk about one
cosmos, not about universes, because the system is an invisible,
permanent phenomenon, a single inertia system. The values of the
motion vectors are found in domains which cannot be manifested. They
are concealed by the extension of the transformations of local
interactions in the form of a so-called electromagnetic radiation. The
microwave background radiation is an essential part of the system and it
has nothing to do with the primeval explosion theory. The sight of the
extending universe is fascinating, wonderful in its smallest details an
effect based on the principle of conservation. Einstein was wrong applying
his formula which restricted the relative velocity of the expanding
universe. There is no reason to reduce the original Hubble constant.
Furthermore, this reduction would have drawbacks as regards our life
conditions. Gravity is in fact a sham phenomenon caused by the quantity
change of the process content: energy vectors effect on fallen content of
the local aether as „objects”: planet, star, galaxy.

Further conclusions

The electrons are open whirls at certain places of the process which are
modulated by each other’s position and by the nucleus. Obviously, we will
never be able to travel at the speed of light in aether because we would
end up as plasm. The molecules would surely split due to the huge rearrangement (transformation over) in the system. There is no point in
building particle accelerators, it is absolutely clear. It is also obvious that
the most fundamental point of the Cosmos content process is the power
generating fission. Fusion inside stars is also an exclusive process which
cannot be controlled. The essence of the problem is as follows: it is not
sufficient to force the nuclei to stay next to each other. We also need to
provide the appropriate structure of the external interaction process to
stabilize the connection. Achieving this goal and the realization of this
possibility is not automatic but fission is.

Proofs The atom tests.

There is a demand on the part of scientists and lecturers on popular
science to have evidence, what is more: repeatable evidence to support
the validity of each and every new theory. We do possess evidence from
an authentic, valid source from the period of the political cold war. This
evidence means a video recording showing experimental underground
nuclear detonation in the USA. Firstly, experiments aimed to demonstrate
the frightening power of nuclear weapons. Secondly, they aimed to create
a smaller energy source to power a long phase, high-capacity radioactive
weapon. They planned it under the auspices of the space defense
program. The date is 1985. The two superpowers are still in competition
as regards politics (and also military policy) A particularly large number of
underground nuclear experiments are carried out both in the USA and in
the Soviet Union. On 1, December Gorbachew announced a ban which
meant a total ban on their own nuclear experiments. After this
announcement, however, the USA continued to carry out nuclear
experiments with great intensity. Finishing the program or having
permanent political advantage both are possibilities which have to be
taken into consideration. Anyway, these recordings were shown
immediately on TV. This time (the end of 1985) I had already had a settled
idea of the Cosmos and of the specific energetic structure of aether. This
time I was involved in the study of proof. There are many spectacular
arguments influencing our conscious. These arguments support the
theory of primeval explosion, but I needed something very special. The
theory of primeval explosion is a nonsense. What did I have to disprove
the theory? Fortunately, the explosions of different nuclear structures
were quite frequent and this way I had the chance to recognize some
atmospheric phenomena which were otherwise ignored. These
phenomena were clearly visible on these recordings. What could be seen?
Cameras showed the epicenter of the explosion, the surface right above
the explosion. Every observer was looking forward to seeing only one
thing: when the funnel shaped ground crumbled in the epicenter. Besides
this action, however, we could observe something else as well before the
collapse. This event enabled the observer to gather some fundamental
pieces of information: There were dust and aerosol particles and other
pollutants in the air. The specific, local movement of these small particles
was also shown, which finally gave the following surprising result: This
movement depended on the type of structure that was detonated. The
direction of the movement was away from the camera towards the center
of explosion (hypocenter) in form of a ring of clouds. If an impulsive
nuclear structure (designed for destruction) was detonated, then this ring
of clouds glided across the horizon during which its diameter was
continuously decreasing. However, there were long phase structures.
(With a duration of 3-4 seconds occasionally) During the explosion the
ring of clouds showed the form of a cone shaped surface. A torsion
although to a smaller (45 -90°) degree was observable on the aerosol
surface. This dust and aerosol cloud was acting as an indicator. This
special surface was created by the whirlwind blown by the rotor of the
helicopter. This otherwise embarrassing phenomenon revealed

What is the essence of this observation? According to the official
knowledge radiation energy comes from the inside parts of fissioning
nucleus during nuclear explosion. In fact, as it is shown by the movement
of the aerosol and dust indicators towards the hypocenter this process
means something completely different. Nuclei with their exclusive
presence content are only passive objects in the Cosmos which restrict
processes. When these nuclei split or when we do split those, their former
surroundings and polarized content process are renewed and re- built
through the centers of fission. That was the caused appearance
phenomenon as if the dust and aerosol particles those would have moved
towards the hypocenter by this unifying force due to a set of vectors. The
essence is: this phenomenon was observable before any kind of change
could have taken place on the surface due to the explosion.

When I drew the attention of the Americans to this quite important but so
far ignored detail in the spring of 1986, there were no further video
recordings published after it. Some TV programs today show
documentaries of this time. Unfortunately, these recordings have become
so indistinct that even the picture of the surface cannot be seen clearly.
The phenomenon could be reproduced by carrying out new explosions or
we could see the phenomenon in case the recordings are digitized.
According to mine opinion this atmosphere physics occurrence is visible
earlier on the shooting of other attempts on the surface since 1945 also,
only nobody did not think onto this explanation. An example: the foliage
of trees those are nodding to the direction of center of explosion. Earlier
as that would been whatever reason for science of heat. The occurrence
still was not „justified knowledge”.

It is alright if the production of nuclear weapons is a military secret. But
ignorance is not alright. We hardly know (we hardly had known) anything
about the real content of nuclear energy. The Cosmos itself is an
extending system with continuous possibility to increase existence
volume. This phenomenon is used in our power plants. Fissile matter is
mined, recycled, used just where we live and nuclear waste is also stored
there. Evolution has taken place in this medium. No one should refuse the
most outstanding achievement of man just because some foolish people
have made the wrong decision. Is it only an accidental but fascinating
opportunity for us to possess nuclear energy – without having the faintest
idea of what lies behind the process? We can conclude thanks to the selfrestrictive
content of the single cosmos (aether) that nuclear explosions
have not meant a chain reaction leading to the destruction of our planet.

The diffraction as proof

When the man is going in any theoretical physics department of the world
he may experience the series of roentgen diffraction pictures from the
different chemical elements on wall of a room. The physicists are looking
at these pictures as similarly the admirers are doing it in case of grain
circles. Simultaneously these are mystery and certainty the varied
interference. Mystery, because we did not know so far the interpretation
to the questions of the distances and positions of the interference.
Mathematical formulas of Bohr and Heisenberg those are constructive
rendering only for the possible positions, but it is not real explanation
onto the occurrence. Why is it existing? It was an opening door for me to
understanding the process of aether the interpretation without formulas
of Louis de Broglie. It derived the analog solution from positions of
whirlpools around the piers in the river. I thought that is only relevant law
in the existence. The nuclei and electrons are modulating its positions of
one another by interaction in the process of aether bootstrap. This
interference is visible on the pictures between the real existence contents
local process and the roentgen (electron) irradiation.

The Existence is existing as bootstrap-aether presence (with the
refreshed concept) the filling and passing media was searched by our

It is more as was searched at experiment of Michelson-Morley. They
knew not the real physical process contents of the reality yet. On base of
all we can to say out safely that: Aether exists!

It is another but is concerning the same matter. We are able to pay
tribute to forebears.

As I mentioned it in my e-mail a few days ago, the content of the official
system position of the neutrino is a set of specific expansion local
quantum volumes of existence which enters the system side. However,
we cannot detect it because there is no interaction of collision while
entering the system side, so our instruments cannot indicate anything. On
the other hand, it does exist everywhere as a result of the changing set of
motion vectors. It is present as a matrix field in every set that exists in the
instruments, in atoms, inside the Earth, in space, in the stars etc., that is
the reason why a detectable difference cannot be shown. Our perception
(including our instruments) cannot cross this absolute borderline. The
process when the local collision is revealed is known as electromagnetic
radiation and this can really be detected. Our knowledge concerning
particles suggests that neutrino is also a particle, but in fact it is the
complementary matrix of the matrix field of the „electromagnetic
radiation”. If we insist on the concept, we possess then we will not have
the opportunity to understand our single existence. Understanding the
basic process enables us to get rid of the large number of cognitive
concepts and web of relations. But is there anyone who would like to
know the truth?

Scientists talk about the hidden mass in a quite interesting and
characteristic way: their whereabouts is still a mystery. The local collision
is revealed and is known as electromagnetic radiation. According to our
knowledge and attitude towards particles neutrino itself is also a particle,
although it is actually the complementary matrix of the matrix field filling
of the „electromagnetic radiation”. Well, it is the hiding mass! If we do
insist on using the generally accepted concepts, then no one will ever
understand the simplicity of our existence. Only by understanding the
basic cause system process can we get rid of the unnecessary speculative

Our scientists do not know the reason why „symmetry”, right and left spin
occurrence in nature. All these phenomena occur due to the presence of
the onefold filling. Just imagine the change of content taking place in a
two-dimensional plane. To keep it simple I am going to use the points of
the compass. The space quantum particles move to eastern and western
directions. Among them there is a single expansion existence where a
quantum enters either from the north or from the south causing fission.
There is not a swinging or squeezing possibility due to the supporting of
the onefold presence which is in an opposite direction. We have to
understand this fact: our mind cannot accept this onefold filling as a result
of the misleading sham phenomenon. The result of the local topological
examination is as follows: the motion vector values of the cut space
quantum particles will obviously increase to east west direction, while a
decrease can be detected in north-south direction. As this phenomenon is
general, it is a natural consequence of the spin effect in form of space
curve modulation because of the local asymmetry of Euclidian geometry.
The extrapolated picture of these local changes gives the basis of the
recognition of Einstein’s space curve. But where is his (and the scientists’)
truth, objective knowledge when this effect is still deduced from the
gravitational pull of „objects”?

To understand the laws of nature one does not need – actually: it is
harmful – to use the primeval explosion theory. You can see, the basis of
understanding the Cosmos is to see the realization of the volume
expansion which is the result of the local boundary values that do not
change, and which enter the single existence system side. This is the
reason why the stock of the existence system side increases. The
conservation principle is observed here, which means that the presence
with data cannot be destroyed. Conservation principle does not mean
that the single system side cannot grow. Cosmos begins at every moment
in the local boundary which is summed up by the billions of our receptors
found in our nervous system. This is summarized in a „space” picture. This
way we can state that the inert nature has also got a conscious containing
a data of its own state. It is communicated in the process of metabolism
to the surroundings in form of the continuous change of the
„electromagnetic radiation” and expansion matrix field. In a living
surrounding these creative molecules have the chance to change their
positions, that is why we have a creative mind. In case the living nature
dies, the set of creative molecules will still stick together until decay so
the conscious after death does exist in a modulating relation interaction
towards the outside world. Only the medium of the content and form of
communication will change. It is not complicated, we only need to see the
characteristic process on the single Cosmos existence side. However, it is
not enough to only see these things, when there is a need for discussion,

Can anyone realize that the reason we cannot see anything but the
moving away of the galaxies is the fact that we do not take the
consistency of the matrix state structure of the „electromagnetic field”
into consideration (not mentioning the galaxies being born)? It is only
possible if the system is continuously filled somehow with something in
time. It makes me nervous hearing that the „matter” of the universe will
spread to an extent that finally it becomes tenuous as regards matter
filling. My dear Friend, the density of matter that we can experience today
is the same density that was present 1000 billion years ago and this
density is going to be present 1000 billion years later as well. This
presence does not exist only in our field of vision but in the eternal

One cannot help wondering how people can revise and/ or reject the fact
that there is an axiomatic right for the single extension quantum volumes

– which are forced to enter the existence relative system side with local
data under objective circumstances to stay in the system side of the
existence. It questions the characteristics of the boundary and initial
condition of the existing system side as well. „Clever” people say: That is
nonsense! That cannot be matter! It has no right to be there. Everything is
mixed, there are no clear boundaries, or contents. „Clever” people do not
notice the change in structure caused by the local values of motion. Let us
see! If it worked in another way, the phenomenon of „speed of light”
could not exist, nor could the physic 300 thousand km/sec modulation
(transformational over) spread constant system date. We would be able
to observe such a wide range of values of movement of „matter particles”
that would show no regularity. My dear Friend, the boundary and initial
condition of the Cosmos as an existence of a single, interacting initial
condition is constant in every moment of time.

The principle- that the single existence can have only one solution was
highly important to me in striving for recognition, therefore the solution
had to be observed in every phenomenon we know of. This is how I have
come across a phenomenon known as dust or space explosion (during
which corn mills take wings), and I have also come across the analysis of
the characteristics of „energy release” in the course of fission. My Friend,
the same process of rearrangement of energy production takes place in
the singularly filled Cosmos, also among the flour molecules in the aether
process and also in the channels of nuclei where fission takes place. The
cut of the molecules is carried out by the impulsive thermal effect, while
the cut of the nuclei is carried out by the particles called „neutrons”. I do
believe that our scientists are addicted to the use of the specific concepts
that have already been introduced. They firmly believe that these
concepts are sacrosanct, although most of them is just as significant as
the concept of „spinach” or „tomato”.


Religious people say that our world was created by God. According to my
research that is creating continuously by the perpetual asymmetry in
continuous change the relative system. This state it is a continuous
border- and beginning state. But we know who God is (imagined
supernatural existing of the religions) and also: what the content and the
necessity of the relative system is. God possesses all the secrets, but man
has taken over his role via the process of recognition. According to the
principle of conservation particles, stars, galaxies are being born. The
interacting receptors of our nervous system it does sum up the
stereoscopic changes. Concept of „space” is product our mind as sham
phenomenon. Our concept of „time” is not other as synonym of the
concept of change. What is cause to the motion and state change?
Answer: It is simple asymmetric contents change in the single and only
existence system side. No separated the objects from one another
because of the only and interacting contents of the aether process. Those
are finite local motion-values in the only absolute system, which are not
colliding in every direction. Into colliding directions that happens
interaction, into moving away directions happens the world extension by
neutrinos. After the neutrino state those do step simple interaction with
the electromagnetic field, as creating part of that. For it we do not
perceive the neutrinos, and for it that full the electromagnetic field in
every time. No every swallowing black holes. The constructive applied
sciences (as physics and astronomy) those are covering with beneficial
curtain the false doctrine of present theoretical physics. The modern
theoretical physics has did and is doing wrong, half-way solving answer
for Max Planck’s original quantum idea. Planck got stuck into background
for this. He has knew that the full solution is unsolved yet.


I think that I’m doing publish a remembering abstract of figure from my
papers of 1986. and 1988. years as lesson. My reader who has the ability
to view of space he can understand of my way from the static
mathematics to the inertia-system of motion by the prior base-principles.
Be it as a lesson for who are researching. Make do imitate own intuitions
which is basing on learned knowledges anyway. Make do go own head
and not the encyclopedias. Also then, if anything is no correspond with
those. Especially in this case make do write a note for it that it be pregled
our eye anytime. It can’t know when comes the moment to recognition
that the thought it is wrong or a vital part for a new connection. As it
happened my case at research the onefold filling out of the existence
system side. (This is the figure of thickness-conversion.) Yes indeed! We
say out the concepts to the onefold existence presence, thus no need
anything thickness-conversion. Only we need to take the relativity,
Newton’s state-change laws, and the same time of events into
consideration. The existing filling out agent same in the extending

And the matter, what demands the biggest attention:

The nothing as a relative system side is no in the existence system side
never. But it is an objective part to the relative system which compels
out the presence of existence system side. What we are thinking for the
nothing well it has no relative system. This does cause the chaos in the
understanding. According to which the nothing it is the inexhaustible
side of the existing relative system without border. With this extendable
the existence system side without end at the same time moment. And it
happens thus continuously in a border and beginning state. In the
process increasing the set-volume because of any existing component
that come to nothing not. It was not any single creation moment.
Because every time moment is in itself the pressure of circumstance of
the creation.

From this reason it was not any primeval explosion. From this reason
those are not possible any universes, as separated, cyclic, parallel, and
so on. The nature knows the prior principles!


Fritjof Capra’s thoughts from his book The Tao Of Physics. Which pointed
to me that I am going on a good way.
Thank you for the possibility!

Fritjof Capra


So far, our exploration of the world view suggested by modern physics has
repeatedly shown that the idea of ‘basic building blocks’ of matter is no
longer tenable. In the past, this concept was extremely successful in
explaining the physical world in terms of a few atoms; the structures of
the atoms in terms of a few nuclei surrounded by electrons; and finally,
the structures of the nuclei in terms of two nuclear ‘building blocks’, the
proton and the neutron. Thus atoms, nuclei and hadrons were, in turn,
considered to be ‘elementary particles’. None of them, however, fulfilled
that expectation. Each time, these particles turned out to be composite
structures themselves, and physicists hoped that the next generation of
constituents would finally reveal themselves as the ultimate components
of matter.

On the other hand, the theories of atomic and subatomic physics made
the existence of elementary particles increasingly unlikely. They revealed
a basic interconnection of matter, showing that energy of motion can be
transformed into mass, and suggesting that particles are processes rather
than objects. All these developments strongly indicated that the simple
mechanistic picture of basic building blocks had to be abandoned, and yet
many physicists are still reluctant to do so. The age-old tradition of
explaining complex structures by breaking them down into simpler
constituents is so deeply ingrained in Western thought that the search for
these basic components is still going on.

There is, however, a radically different school of thought in particle
physics which starts from the idea that nature cannot be reduced to
fundamental entities, such as elementary particles or fundamental fields.
It has to be understood entirely through its self-consistency, with its
components being consistent both the with one another and with
themselves. This idea has arisen in Tao of the context of S-matrix theory
and is known as the ‘bootstrap’ Physics hypothesis. Its originator and main
advocate is Geoffrey Chew who, on the one hand, has developed the idea
into a general ‘bootstrap’ philosophy of nature and, on the other, has
used it (in collaboration with other physicists) to construct specific models
of particles formulated in S-matrix language. Chew has described the
bootstrap hypothesis in several articles’ which provide the basis for the
following presentation.

The bootstrap philosophy constitutes the final rejection of the
mechanistic world view in modern physics. Newton’s universe was
constructed from a set of basic entities with certain fundamental
properties, which had been created by God and thus were not amenable
to further analysis. In one way or another, this notion was implicit in all
theories of natural science until the bootstrap hypothesis stated explicitly
that the world cannot be understood as an assemblage of entities which
cannot be analysed further. In the new world view, the universe is seen as
a dynamic web of interrelated events. None of the properties of any part
of this web is fundamental; they all follow from the properties of the
other parts, and the overall consistency of their mutual interrelations
determines the structure of the entire web. Thus, the bootstrap
philosophy represents the culmination of a view of nature that arose in
quantum theory with the realization of an essential and universal
interrelationship, acquired its dynamic content in relativity theory, and
was formulated in terms of reaction probabilities in S-matrix theory. At
the same time, this view of nature came ever closer to the Eastern world
view and is now in harmony with Eastern thought, both in its general
philosophy and in its specific picture of matter.

The bootstrap hypothesis not only denies the existence of fundamental
constituents of matter but accepts no fundamental entities whatsoeverno
fundamental laws, equations or principles-and thus abandons another
idea which has been an essential part of natural science for hundreds of
years. The notion of fundamental laws of nature was derived from the
belief in a divine lawgiver which was deeply rooted in the Judaeo-
Christian tradition. In the words of Thomas Aquinas:

„There is a certain Eternal Law, to with, Reason, existing in the mind of
God and governing the whole universe.”

This notion of an eternal, divine law of nature greatly influenced Western
philosophy and science. Descartes wrote about the ‘laws which God has
put into nature’, and Newton believed that the highest aim of his scientific
work was to give evidence of the ‘laws impressed upon nature by God’. To
discover the ultimate fundamental laws of nature remained the aim of
natural scientists for the three centuries following Newton. In modern
physics, a very different attitude has now developed. Physicists have
come to see that all their theories of natural phenomena, including the
‘laws’ they describe, are creations of the human mind; properties of our
conceptual map of reality, rather than of reality itself. This conceptual
scheme is necessarily limited and approximate, as are all the scientific
theories and ‘laws of nature’ it contains. All natural phenomena are
ultimately interconnected, and in order to explain any one of them we
need to understand all the others, which is obviously impossible. What
makes science so successful is the discovery that approximations are
possible. If one is satisfied with an approximate ‘understanding’ of nature,
one can describe selected groups of phenomena in this way, neglecting
other phenomena which are less relevant. Thus one can explain many
phenomena in terms of a few, and consequently understand different
aspects of nature in an approximate way without having to understand
everything at once. This is the scientific method; all scientific theories and
models are approximations to the true nature of things, but the error
involved in the approximation is often small enough to make such an
approach meaningful. In particle physics, for example, the gravitational
interaction forces between particles are usually ignored, as they are many
orders of magnitude weaker than those of the other interactions.
Although the error caused by this omission is exceedingly small, it is clear
that the gravitational interactions will have to be included in future, more
accurate theories of particles.

Thus physicists construct a sequence of partial and approximate theories,
each of them being more accurate than the previous one, but none of
them representing a complete and Tao of final account of natural
phenomena. Like these theories, all Physics the ‘laws of nature’ they
describe are mutable, destined to be replaced by more accurate laws
when the theories are improved. The incomplete character of a theory is
usually reflected in its arbitrary parameters or ‘fundamental constants’,
that is, in quantities whose numerical values are not explained by the
theory, but have to be inserted into it after they have been determined
empirically. Quantum theory cannot explain the value used for the mass
of the electron, nor field theory the magnitude of the electron’s charge, or
relativity theory that of the speed of light. In the classical view, these
quantities were regarded as fundamental constants of nature which did
not require any further explanation. In the modern view, their role of
‘fundamental constants’ is seen as temporary and reflecting the
limitations of the present theories. According to the bootstrap philosophy,
they should be explained, one by one, in future theories as the accuracy
and scope of these theories increase. Thus, the ideal situation should be
approached, but may never be reached, where the theory does not
contain any unexplained ‘fundamental’ constants, and. where all its ‘laws’
follow from the requirement of overall self-consistency…”

„…It is evident that the complete ‘bootstrap’ view of nature, in which all
phenomena in the universe are uniquely determined by mutual selfconsistency,
comes very close to the Eastern world view. An indivisible
universe, in which all things and events are interrelated, would hardly
make sense unless it were self-consistent. In a way, the requirement of
self-consistency, which forms the basis of the bootstrap hypothesis, and
the unity and interrelation of all phenomena, which are so strongly
emphasized in Eastern mysticism, are just different aspects of the same
idea. This close connection is most clearly expressed in Taoism.”

End of quotation from Fritjof Capra.

Summary thoughts for these words by me

I find Fritjof Capra’s book valuable as it summarizes the attempts made so
far by Western and Eastern thinkers to understand existence
irrespectively of their different conceptual systems. This is because both
cultures aim to find the expected result of the final solution or conjecture
within the same bootstrap philosophy.

Western scholars ignore Einstein’s note: “In physics we can make a
distinction between various theories. Most of them are constructive
theories. They try to take a picture of more complex phenomena from a
relatively simply founded formalism.”

Based on the links that I have explored, I venture to say that Big Bang is
one of those constructive theories. Object orientation encompassing the
minutest detail of content is the long-sought antagonistic opposed with
bootstrap philosophy. By listing deficiencies and unsolved issues of
theoretical physics. Fritjof Capra’s book encouraged me to continue my
work. The deficiencies in the list included all the details that intrigued me
and made me feel that my approach to understanding local phenomena
from general experiences was based on precisely the same principles as
those mentioned by Einstein in his speech on the 60th birthday
celebration of Max Planck:

“The physicist’s main goal is, then, to explore the general elementary laws
by pure deduction to create a picture of the world. However, the way to
such elementary laws does not lead through logic but intuition based on

This encouragement and the principle that I have identified with led me to
the solution that meets the criteria of bootstrap hypothesis in all details. I
only had to look for the all-encompassing link and I was able to find it. We
can clearly state that the basis of natural existence is its own one-time
volume form which, as the asymmetric modulating effect of the
characteristics of movement, the interactions within the order
determined by Newton’s laws of motion, constitutes an absolute systemic
process extending in its volume, and such correlation precisely satisfies
the requirements of the bootstrap hypothesis. The local extension entities
that appear in the system are neutrinos. They are elusive and “allpervasive”
precisely because when they find their way to the system of
existence, they are still not in a detectable mutual collision with the S
matrix field of their environment consisting of interactive collisions.

It became clear that there is no single “physical constant” even in the
process- system. It is the essence to the continuous change-compulsion!
The applied science usable those in own constructive calculations.
I had to explore and survey the topological properties of a single set of
existence in motion in awareness of all available theoretical truths. I
came across some misguided applications of our theoretical knowledge
that are small by dimension but fatally bigger by their effect of limiting

1./ Relativity must be deducted, interpreted and applied from the
current set of totality in each moment.
2./ By virtue of the priority stated in point 1, the relevance of
experienced motion realizes the set’s inner value data with local
absolute finite values. This also determines the local positions of the
set’s outer borders. The system has no conscience. This fact prioritizes
the significance of the true paradox claimed in my paper.
3./ From a single member of finite number, anything can be extended
over the outer border of our set of existence of basic entities (i.e., the
local set’s inner border) with further set entity members.
4./ In any given moment in time (state of change), the mathematically
adequate value of existence from the systemic side is=1. The reality
value of any entity within the system is also=1. Likewise, this is the value
of extension entities finding their way to the system by local designation
that become real for perception (unconscious system) upon local
interaction. This is because, by virtue of Newton’s law of change of
state, no date of state can be overwritten without interaction.
5./ The volumetric differences of local extension volume entities,
addition the differences value data of the local motion vectors with the
objective trigonometric date differences alone, well thus would be
unable to uphold one unstructured system of existence.

And this is part of our Existence…
The aliens’ saucer

The gravitational force-vectors those are polarized above the surface. And
no a vertical central force to direction the centre of mass of planet. Only
that is phenomena experiment of our brain now. There is an alternative
possibility for us, as the aliens’ saucer.

Picture from a You Tube video
code: 11869253383285543295
Germany, 2013.

Engine is a magnetron power plant for the UFO spacecraft above.

As today above the ocean. We’re looking condensated steam around the

The cooled water vapor condensate which was recorded around the alien
flying object shown in the two images above is substantial evidence that it
was generated by microwave radiation. In other cases, we know from
personal reports that witnesses perceived tingling, thermal radiation on
their skin when an alien object descended over them. It follows that these
flying objects operate as an inverted microwave food heater. Their inside
is protected from radiation. They radiate outward in accordance with the
Aether process structure change on demand. Astronauts sitting inside are
not affected by external radiation. The object is free to transform its
position in the same energy field. The people sitting in it are not affected
by these accelerations (?!) It is also strange to me that the American
authorities I have contacted are not interested in this possibility of
experimenting either.

Is alien civilization existing? The answer: Yes!

The undermentioned message was broadcast into space a single time via
frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the remodeling
of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico on 16 November 1974.
The „Arecibo answer” is a hoax by people that created an imprint in a
crop field (crop circle) in 2001 near the Chilbolton radio telescope in
Hampshire, UK, portrayed as a response from an extraterrestrial

Which detail is rising above the others the taking out representation of
biosphere zone in the Sun-system: Earth, Mars, Galilei’ moons of Jupiter.
(Evidently, from them visible the Sun as smaller.) Evidently, the mass/local
gravitation of inhabited planet, moon determines to the biophysics of
evolution. Our build is exaggerated. Because of our metabolism we can
not to flying farther the local space.

Every crop circle makes reference to only Jupiter moon, Ganymede.
We’ve more informs. From only outside place visible the together
standing to the three objects as the Earth, Sun, Jupiter at 13.08,2014. St.
Andrews Dorset, England. Who was aware of this? And also, visible the
„gravitation space-curvature”!

Picture at together standing

Sky picture from Budapest at 25.07.2014. 12,00 local time. Jupiter behind
the Sun.

And the same on a crop picture at 05.08.2014. Wiltshire, England. They do
not see the Earth from the Ganymede because of covering with Jupiter and

With Ganymede. They are employed systematically the bound orbit of
moons Io and Europe.
Inhabited by live third level in the system.
Identifiable the own orbit, the rotation around own axis, and presence
living organization. According in all probability this object the moon
Ganymede. Total reality! Interests in contact to communication of aliens.
They have an interest pictogram system. Easy to understand. Evident the
unity to the physics of Earth and Sky. This is statement of Isaac Newton.
No new the under Sun.

Together the two system: the system of Jupiter and above the system of

The most beautiful symbol: Moon’s phases in light of Jupiter from direction

Interest in contact communication of aliens to us. They have an intelligible
pictogram system. (Newton: unity of Earth and sky physics!)
The electricity
is moving spirit of all. In middle the complex electric network of the planet.
On two sides the aviation and space transport.

Division the system of education with accreditation.

The aliens’ logistic education of society according to the talents and

And the top of logistic education. That is decided in good time by a
teaching-manpower economy staff according to their talent that what
training should the child receive? Those of good ability are immediately
highlighted. They also do this every year according to the needs of society.
The pictogram below clearly shows this logistics. There are
understandably fewer super talents. But they will be the scientists and
leaders of society. This is visible in the top row.
We can identify the pictograms. Do we it on the lower level. This level for
the simple folk. This level is above on the upper picture. From right to left:
two years/cycles nursery school – two years lower grade school – decision
making of staff: which way? Cruel resolution, but… – factories with
industrial schools – council houses – agricultural production – service
sector. This level 4+5 years/cycles don’t qualify they for manager.
Pictograph representation of dialog between two humanoids. Whether
what does the humanoid on the left say to the one on the right? Tell
somebody something: ÷

Whether what does the humanoid on the left say to the one on the right?
According to the picture: there-back!

Attention, linguists! The picture speaks for itself. There is an existing
meaning of the word described from both sides. I recommend phonetic
examination of the word to your attention. Which dead or living language
has any identity? I mean something similar, just to be understood:
live ↔ evil
It can be not only a phonetic relationship between the word described
and the concepts „anunaki (anunnaki, etc.)”! It starts with a closed „a”
and ends with „… nonu”; „a***nonu”. There must also be a concept with a different meaning, read backwards: „unon***a”.

Such a pair of concepts can be:
greetings – connection; friendship – together; etc.

How aliens make the crop pictures the cornfield onto?

Energy modulating beam wave to the grain stems, and the effect:

Picture at 07.05,2011, Wiltshire. The grain collapses when an electrical
pulse passes through those.

Aliens’ society

Without every more I think that to need our governments speak from the
existing alien. And it need a new U.N.O. with a concentrated power of
social, distributional, maintenance of order. That is a chaos now. In all.
But to do this with mind because of different the local social conditions of
existence of Earth!
First local council of regions (in the present picture is 5) with leaders who
are mediators in a higher level. (÷ Tell somebody something!)

Local council of regions (in the present picture

And Organization of the independent higher levels.

And a serious thing. The aliens are knowing the two-phase atomic bomb! I
wrote about the nuclear fission in this manuscript at the part of Proofs.
The real solution departs from today our knowledge. I do not know the
scientists admit one’s mistake how and when?

It deserves attention the solution of first phase.

Life in the river and ocean in the Earth, and

Life in under ice on Galilei’moons Ganymede/Europe of Jupiter?

Would it be this creature? Aliens know they’re there!!!

Well, on the picture visible the right and left wing-side. We can look that
energy-source of the big mother-ship with a nuclear reactor (power
connection marking: a point) thus for the smaller can only be downloaded
from a network charge (marking: – ) And we can know where are the
saucers in the mother-ship!

It’s an electric drawing of a saucer. As we are able visible, a capacitor is
the central element of the arrangement. Due to the interruption of the
Hall-effect. Otherwise, the flow of electrons in the nasal cone slices would
stop. The electrical conductivity of the nasal cone slices depends on the
resulting charge pulse frequency. No wonder the American soldiers didn’t
understand anything about the wreckage found in Roswell. From the foil
cover, aluminum sins, lightweight frame structure.

The interacting force generated in the magnetic field can be used against
gravity. And we can fly. And we can change our place. We don’t need
wings. We don’t need airplane engines. It’s just a joystick.

The thing is, the little gray aliens present in our environment are actually
unhappy creatures. Why? Their predecessors lived on the planet of the GI
628 star system. Once they, too, recognized exoplanets the desire for
curiosity was the same as in our case. A habitable space station was built
and „sailed out”. They, too, were only slowly able to travel in space to our
Solar system. Several generations lived and died on the space base by the
time they got here. You couldn’t travel at the speed of light. There are no
„wormholes”. Their experied quick position changer structures don’t have
staff. Possibility to the movement is based on the knowledge of the
onefoldly filled out exist, electromagnetic space (on base of Newton’s
state-change law). The possibility of returning offspring is not given. The
only option for their informal relationship is the electromagnetic field. It is
certain that one or two of their inhabited space bases are here in the solar
system. What is certain about all this is that there are limited numbers of
humanoids living on and off of them. It is certain that the health care
system at the base is the best organized for the maintenance of the
species. No loss of headcount is allowed. These humanoids need to be
trained for their Earth surface tasks. They certainly don’t have lexicon
brains. Almost only robots. Purposeful observers with brains. Humans are
more than just robots because they can detect what the robot cannot.
Senior employees are definitely not allowed to leave their bases. Their
succession task is just as important as health care. This, too, is a matter of
important. In my opinion, you should not shoot at them. There are few.
Few get down to Earth. These individuals are not enemies. They are aware
of the details of genetics. Mostly based on the Arecibo message and the
response grain drawing, I assert that we weren’t and can’t mix with them.
But there is an option that if we treat them as enemies, we can have
trouble with it. Nuclear weapons certainly don’t. Protecting flora and
fauna would be more important to them too, than the fate of our „living
space-destroying” species. Their judgment can dance at the edge of a
blade. Unfortunately, this is a reality.

From what I have described, it follows that the alien visitor was hardly
able to give the Earthling any tools from the limited supply of the space
base. What could he give? What could have been plentiful on board: a
hand lamp. In the event of a power outage, it is an indispensable simple
device also aboard the space base. But it is also irreplaceable, far from the
mother planet. What do we visible on the drawings of antiquity? Galvanic
element, leiden bottle in a clay jar. At the Sumerians and Egypt too. They
could hardly give of their maintenance device. At most, they helped us
with those. It could even be a laser for special tasks. So they helped us.

Carl Sagan’ secret and what is behind it.

On November 16, 1974, the refurbished Puerto Rico Radio Telescope was
inaugurated. The Arecibo antenna system. This is the time that the Carl
Sagans launched that remarkable digital information from there. They
said it and could also be read on the internet on the telescope’s website
that the signal was fired in the direction of the M13 globular cluster in the
constellation Hercules. But this cluster is 22,000 light-years away from us,
and it is clear that after 27 years, no answer could come from that
globular cluster. The Americans, I think, have deliberately deceived
everyone. Sure, the M13 wasn’t the target. What would have been the
expected benefit for us for the future of our Earth?
Carl Sagan was
initiated certainly. Someone might have whispered to him in the
background where to direct that digital image signal packet. The target
must have been very close. Taking into account the time until the return
of the answer (26.7 years), the theoretical distance is half that. When the
signal was emitted in the USA, they already knew, they could know
where, which could be that nearby star, surrounded by the inhabited

There is a telling identification data about where the Arecibo radio
telescope was directed. The position of M13 on the star map is at
16h41m41.24s. If we look at the table of stars close to us and look for a
nearby star on a corresponding circle of longitude, we will find it! Only
one antenna operator had to be initiated into the secret to set the
adjustable transmitter head in the direction of -12° south latitude rather
than +36° north latitude. Done! The target object must have been above
the parabola in the valley. The M13 was in a good place to cover the
deception. After the renovation, no one has yet used the equipment.
Anyone who has already set up a satellite dish knows that it is not even
possible to estimate with close eye how, where, at what angle the
antenna is standing? Sagan was silent. It could even be, he did. The star
that was above the antenna at this meridian with M13 at the specific time
was GI 628 (Wolf 1061, BD-12°4523).
I found two data for its distance that
make me think: 13.81 and 14.1 light years (Part of the deception next to
the designation M13?) respectively. The distance still adequate should be
a maximum of 13.4. I don’t know… Our varied data suggest that distance
measurement requires clarification. Parallax measurement in the
continuous displacement system can contain large errors. As the redshift
also. The position of GI 628 on the star map is 16h30m18s. It is possible
that they received information about the planet orbiting GI 628 from the
surviving member of the UFO that crashed at Roswell. The 1974 Arecibo
debut may be a consequence of the Roswell event. You can beat the fuse
out of an investigative journalist that the Roswell incident happened just
27 years ago in 1947! The interval is the same as the interval between the
broadcast from the arecibo and the arrival of the response! So far, three
exoplanets have been found around it, which is interesting. The grain
drawing of the planet was made on 07.08.2000 in Pewsey, Wiltshire.
may be the same planet that presents itself. Sometimes it is a problem to
condense more information into a single figure. Since the drawing of
strangers are talkative, we can also rely on this here. A planet marked
with three stars orbits the central celestial body. Ours planets in the Solarsystem
also lookable as shining stars from the distant. The closest is a
populated planet. If they take a good look at the object in orbit, they can
discover a small circle on it. (zoomin) In other pictures, we also encounter
this notation of a group of living beings, denoting the existence of species.

Grain drawings of star GI 628

Edited by Vörös Imre Flórián

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